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Beep8 Example Projects

I use these as unit tests, but they are also a reference for how Beep8 can be used.

Colors Example

Preview the colours and test the async arrow input.

Custom Image Example

Load a custom image use it as a background for a demo text adventure game.

Fonts Example

Preview the bundled fonts.

Keyboard Input Example

Display the name of the last key pressed.

Menu Example

A demo of the Menu system.

Music Example

Generate songs with code.

Overworld Game Sample Example

Wander around a retro Zelda style map.

Simple Maze Game Example

A simple maze game with dynamic lighting.

Sliding Puzzle Game Example

Load a custom image and use it in a simple sliding puzzle game.

Sokoban Game Example

A simple Sokoban game with multiple levels.

Sound Effects Example

Preview the built in sound effects.

Spaceship Game Example

Demo of a space invaders style game with real time updates.

Text Input Example

Demo of the text input prompt.

Text Printing Samples Example

Test various text properties and effects, including different fonts.