Menu Documentation
Menu Methods
beep8.Menu.display(choices [,options]) async
Displays a menu with the given choices and returns the index of the selected choice.
Displaying a menu will pause the execution of other elements of your game until a choice has been made.
The menu automatically beeps and boops as the player navigates through the choices.
The options object can contain the following properties:
- options.title - The title of the menu.
- options.prompt - The prompt to display above the choices.
- options.selBgColor - The background color of the selected choice. Defaults to the current foreground colour.
- options.selFgColor - The foreground color of the selected choice. Defaults to the current background colour.
- options.bgChar - The character to use for the background.
- options.borderChar - The character to use for the border.
- - Whether to center the menu horizontally and vertically.
- options.centerH - Whether to center the menu horizontally.
- options.centerV - Whether to center the menu vertically.
- options.padding - The padding around the prompt and choices.
- options.selIndex - The index of the initially selected choice.
- options.cancelable - Whether the menu can be canceled with the Escape key.
- choices (string[]): The choices to display.
- [options] (object): Options for the menu.
- (*Promise
*): A promise that resolves to the index of the selected choice.